vita health had their grand opening this week in our neighbourhood. according to the flyer they stuck in my mailbox, they’ve been having fun events all week -like smoothie day and natural beauty day. we finally made it out on saturday and it was definitely worth it. we went over our noon hour, which was convenient because they had samples galore and everything was amazing. plus, i didn’t feel guilty serving anything to my 2-year old, not even the organic dairy-free ice cream! yes, it sounds questionable, but tastes wonderful.

i’m happy we’ve got a store like this in our neck of the woods. lately we’ve been making a conscience effort to eat more local, fair trade, and organic and that has made grocery shopping a little bit more challenging (and a whole lot more expensive).  often i will return home from a trip to the grocery store with only half the items on my list. while we’re trying not to be too picky, i’m definitely making a point to avoid the dirty dozen. it’s nice to finally have some more options.

i’m not going to lie. the store is expensive. but i can definitely see myself going there for the necessities, and perhaps some little indulgences too 😉

here are some of the goodies that made their way into our bag this weekend. just because…

1. Gorp Bars. These are super delicious, healthy, and locally made. These will become a diaper-bag necessity snack.

2. Mineral Fusion Nail Polish.  I’m pregnant. And paranoid. My nails have been bare (and gross) for the past nine months. Unless you count the odd times I let Boo give me a manicure with her Piggy Paint. But now I’ve got grown-up nail polish in a grown-up color. I feel so fancy.

3. Weleda Almond Oil and Lotion. I love love love Weleda products, for me and for baby, but they’re hard to find around here so I was pretty pumped to see the great selection here. Yup, it’s expensive (but I think all cosmetic products are a bit over-the-top), but it smells heavenly and is the only moisturizer that seems to work on my parched dry winter skin. That, and olive oil, which Hubby kindly pointed out to me is a fraction of the cost. Sometimes you just want to feel like a woman and not a greasy food item.

There may have also been some chocolate cookies, soda pops, and wood-fibre wash cloths in my bag too, but let’s save those goodies for another post…

For the more practical things in life: